Linda Tus

In the summers of 1970-75, on a treelined street in the suburbs of Philadelphia, there was a modest home with a small front porch.  There, three mornings a week, you would find children learning, playing, singing, creating ,snacking and rehearsing for their season ending show. It was through this self made nursery school that twelve year old Linda Tus got her start in education.

Her talent at the piano led her to join many music groups in school which were led by extraordinary music teachers. They encouraged her to major in music at Lebanon Valley College where she was selected as Drum Major of the band.  Blessed with a teaching job straight out of college, Linda spent 35 plus years as an educator in Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

Linda developed a music program where all children who wanted to sing could perform.  As many as 300  children would  participate in a concert.  Linda enjoyed the support of the staff at Struble Elementary School and was happy to support them by assisting with grade level performances of many kinds including songs for the circus, the America show, square dancing, taking an entire grade to to the state capital to perform and having one of the first elementary choirs asked to perform the National Anthem at a Phillies game.

She was asked by the Assistant Superintendent to lead the District music staff even though she was the least senior person on that staff.  She developed a fine arts festival which was a week long concert event with special choirs, bands and orchestras designed to allow the children in all grade levels to perform together as well as see each other perform.  This became a favorite community event, drawing support for the District music program.

Linda served on the Philadelphia Orchestra Educational advisory board, was a member of the Bucks County Music Educators ,was elected Elementary curriculum representative for Pa music educators District 11,  directed several music groups at Davisville Church, led the building committee design for the expansion of the educational wing of the church and was Assistant Director of Burn Brae Day Camp of Performing Arts for Sixteen Years.  Robert Hamilton, the founder of the Philadelphia Boys Choir, came to Struble to audition boys from her choir.  Several boys were accepted into the choir and enjoyed wonderful experiences in music and travel.  In 2002, Linda was selected as Struble teacher of the year, the first year the award was given.

Linda holds a BS in Muisc Ed from Lebanon Valley College, an MA in Counseling from The College of New Jersey, a certificate as an Elementary teacher  from Chestnut Hill College and certification in the state of PA as an Elementary Principal.

While pursuing her doctorate in school administration at Widener University, Linda had the opportunity to change course and leave music to teach Kindergarten.  It was there, with her long time friend and amazing educator, Den Sweeney,  that she co- developed a program to help children love to come to school and love to learn.  The magic of Kindergarten drew many families to Struble.

Now “retired”, Linda plans on using the lessons learned in Kindergarten to assist families with guiding their children to a successful school experience.  She also plans to offer assistance to teachers as  a classroom environment coach.

Linda has been married to her college sweetheart, John, for 31 years.  Together they have a wonderful son, AJ who is a graduate of New York University and works in Finance. She enjoys golf, photography, decorating, traveling and the company of friends and family.