

With so many snow days and more to come, I thought it would be a good time to share one of my favorite books!  Me First is a wonderful story about a pig who learns that being first isn’t always the best choice.  If you think about it, many of our frustrations stem from the …

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Manners 101

One of the most important things a parent or teacher can teach a child, in my opinion, is manners. As a teacher, it was easy to spot the children of parents who had taken time to do this. For those who were less proficient, we lovingly taught what are indispensable skills. Manners are nothing more …

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One Year Today!

I retired from teaching one year ago today. I’m so happy to have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned with parents and teachers in hopes of making their educational experiences more rewarding. I’ve learned a lot from the two year old class I volunteer in and have had loads of fun volunteering in kindergarten …

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It’s hard to believe that thirty-five and a half years of teaching, and twenty four and a half years of parenting are behind me! I remember when my son was born we attended a parenting class and I was repeatedly asked why I was taking a parenting class when I was a teacher. I really …

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