Love your neighbor as you love yourself

School is off today for most students in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the work that he did to make sure all people are treated with equality. Our series on manners continues with a reminder that manners are the simplest way to show respect to others.

Would you please!
Have you taught your child to say please? Is your child able to be consistent without reminders? Ok- here’s the big one- do you say please to your child when you ask her to do something? Teachers too! Shout out to my former teaching partner, Den, for always modeling this skill. Manners are contagious. Children will do what you do many more times than they will do what you say!

What is the cutest way your child has used please? Has your child ever reminded you to say please?

Here is a book by one of our favorite authors, Mo Willems. Great for children young and old. Try having your older child read to your younger children!