
Pam (student from my first year of teaching) and me!
Pam (student from my first year of teaching) and me!
It’s hard to believe that thirty-five and a half years of teaching, and twenty four and a half years of parenting are behind me!
I remember when my son was born we attended a parenting class and I was repeatedly asked why I was taking a parenting class when I was a teacher. I really hadn’t thought about it and didn’t have a good answer but as I continued navigating the educational system as a parent, I realized what a challenge it was and how many parents, including myself, lacked the information necessary to successfully guide their children though it.
Accidental information:
dsc_0050Our son was playing the cello as part of his middle school orchestra at a school board meeting. While waiting their turn we saw the National Merit Scholar Finalists being honored by the board. I didn’t know what a National Merit Scholar was but thought how amazing the students in that elite group must be. Fast forward to eleventh grade. Our son was very involved in FBLA and was going to pass on taking the PSAT exam as the club was working a table that day for homecoming. I sat in on working the table for him so he could take the test. He ended up becoming a National Merit scholar finalist which allowed him to attend the college of his choice. Had he not been playing the cello for the school board that night in middle school and saw the Finalists being honored, we might have missed out on that wonderful opportunity.
_ljt2938In all of the letters, cards, posts and kind words I received in thirty five and a half years of teaching there is a recurring theme: thank you for loving my child. I tried to create an environment where children would want to come to school and feel welcome there. How amazing it was to be treated to lunch by some former students as a retirement gift. I was amazed when they told me I was the reason they felt comfortable coming to school. What a humbling moment.

I’ve decided in this new chapter to publish a blog for parents and teachers to ask questions and offer advice so that students can have the best possible experience in school and beyond. I believe every child deserves a quality education and I believe it takes a village to deliver that.

I hope you will join me in this exciting journey!